Title: Aquaman Volume 1: The Trench Contributors: Geoff Johns Ivan Reis Joe Prado Publisher: ...
V-Wars Free Comic Book Day Edition Review
Title: V-Wars Contributors: Jonathan Maberry Alan Robinson Publisher: IDW Iss...
The Burst of the Dot-Comic Bubble Approaches; An Essay
As the world of comic and geek culture is saturating the market, we the geeks are blind in our glee. Blind to what you might ask? Blind to...
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Review
Title: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Contributors: Dan Abnett Andy Lanning Wes Craig Publisher: ...
Veil #3 Review
Title: Veil Contributors: Greg Rucka Toni Fejzula Publisher: Dark Horse Issue...
She-Hulk #4 Review
Title: She Hulk Contributors: Charles Soule Javier Pulido Publisher: Marvel I...
Nail Biter #1 Review
Title: Nail Biter Contributors: Joshua Williamson Mike Henderson Publisher: Image Comi...
Hulk #2 Review
Title: Hulk Contributors: Mark Waid Mark Bagley Andrew Hennessy Publisher: Image Comi...
The Last Zombie - Review
Title: The Last Zombie Contributors: Brian Keene Joseph Wight Publisher: Antarctic Pre...
The Cherry City Comic Con - Cherry Poppin Good Time
It is no secret... I haven't been in the comic collecting realm for very long... well not back in I should say. This was my very firs...