Title: Hulk
Contributors: Mark Waid
Mark Bagley
Publisher: Marvel
Issue #: 3 & 4
Year: 2014
Pages: 32 Pages Each
Age Rating: 13 (Violence)
Story Grade: B
Art Grade: B

Hulk #3 continues the story of the battle with the Abomination with some beautifully rendered (for the most part) action sequences. Only now S.H.I.E.L.D. has called in some of the Avengers to help and this is when we learn Abomination has a few tricks up his sleeve. Hulk #4 is not only the conclusion of the "Who Shot Banner?" storyline, but also marks the end of Waid's run with Green Giant.

There isn't a lot of story in the issue of Hulk #3 and what story there is seems a little contrived. For example; Hulk's healing power is not full proof apparently.

The Avengers coming in to lend a hand as Hulk is getting his ass kicked is refreshing but feels a lot like a "Sweeps Week" episode on a sitcom.

All in all it was an entertaining read. I mean come on, when isn't it entertaining to see Hulk in the middle of fierce battle? I say never. But knowing that Waid is on the way out, I am wondering if after a the first few issues of Hulk that he might have been was running out of writing material for the Hulk or just losing interest. I know I haven't been 100% satisfied with the whole Who Shot Banner storyline.

The artwork of Bagley is something of interest. Like I said above, the action sequences are truly beautiful, but there are some issues. In the image on the left, Panel 2, the way the panel is rendered, it looks like Abomination has severed Hulk's left foot. Even though, upon closer investigation, it actually looks like Hulk might be engulfed in flames but you just can't tell for another page. This can problematic for the reader because it makes the reader stop and completely analyze the panel to make sense of what appears to be an amputated left foot. And if they determine that the foot has been amputated, then a page later see Hulk standing on the foot again, they then have to go back and reanalyze the offending panel. This totally kills the pacing of the the book, but especially the battle sequence.

There are a few other issues I found, but I will let you find them yourselves, kind of like an Easter Egg hunt. I don't want to spoil all the fun.

One particular issue I have with the art is that the cover in no way, shape or form aligns with the what actually happens in the book.

All in all I grade this book a B. Enough said...

In the last issue it is crystal clear that Hulk is no match for Abomination. But Issue #3 leaves us with a fantastic cliffhanger and Hulk Issue #4 picks it up and runs with it.

Issue #4 opens to a splash page that would make any manly Hulk fan wet himself. And it set a tone for the reader's expectation in the coming pages. Sadly, the very next page drops into a flashback, almost a recap.

But one page later we are back into the action. Lots of action ensues, and in the end the Avenger's work together and overcome... as is to be expected.

The demise of Abomination is quick, abrupt and unsatisfying for the most part. Waid really left the return of Abomination unresolved. We also never find out who shot Banner, which is the question that this series kicked off with and with Waid's departure I'm afraid we won't be finding out any time soon. But the ending is a great cliffhanger that will leave many readers speculating what the hell is about to come next.

Again, as in the case of Issue #3, the cover of Issue #4 in no way shape or form matches any of the events in the book. Even though I have come to expect this result, it still disappoints to no end.

It's been out for a while now that Waid is leaving the writer's chair on Hulk. Personally, I am not particularly sad that this is Waid's last issue. Best wishes to him on his DareDevil gig. Waid had a great run on Indestructible Hulk and took the Hulk/Banner personas in great directions. And while this particular four issue run of Hulk ended on an interesting note, the first three issues were not my favorites. Brain Damaged Banner just wasn't interesting as a plot point for me.

I grade this book a B. It is a nice farewell for Waid and a great opening for Duggan to come in and take the Hulk for a spin.

Until next time... Smash on.


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