Title: Amazing Spider-Man 2
Starring: Andrew Garfield
Emma Stone
Publisher: Sony
Age Rating:PG-13 (Violence)

Amazing Spider-Man 2 (respect the hyphen) is a fun ride from start to finish. This isn't your daddy's Spider-Man (bad Toby Maguire reference). Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Spider-Man fit right in line with what I remember Spider-Man being like in the comics; wide-cracking, fun loving, but also devoted to fighting crime.

We get a whole slew of villains to watch in this movie; Electro, who happens to be the main villain of focus throughout, Green Goblin, which is secondary to developing the relationship between Spider-Man and the Goblin, and finally the Rhino which has only a small, yet important part in the movie. The Rhino appearance is important because in addition to the Goblin, Rhino sets up the next movie for the Sinister Six plot.

Although there is the plot of the Gwen Stacey/Peter Parker love story, it is keep to a minimum in this film. This is a good thing as the unending need to saturate the audience in love-goo is what helped ruined the Toby Maguire movies (Toby himself helped with that as well).

This was definitely a fun ride for me and my wife. Amazing Spider-Man 2 gets a solid B+ from a person who loathes  the Maguire trilogy enough to have never watched Spider-Man 3. That's right, after Spider-Man 2 I couldn't bring myself to put myself through that water-board-ice-bucket torture a third time.

Until next time... keep em swinging low.


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