Title: Nail Biter
Contributors: Joshua Williamson
Mike Henderson
Publisher: Image
Issue #: 6
Year: 2014
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 18 (Violence, Language, Gore, Adult Themes)
Story Grade: A
Art Grade: A

Williamson and Henderson strike gold for the 6th time in row with Issue #6 of Nail Biter. This issue takes a look at the mental health of serial killer groupies, but takes those issues to the next level of psychosis. And just when you think the issue is over, Williamson gives you little peek at a shocking dirty little secret about our anti-hero, the infamous Nail Biter.

This issue takes a little break from the main story arc to focus a little bit on what goes through the mind of an extreme form of a serial killer groupie. It is a disturbing look into the mind of someone with just "normal" mental health issues, but it is definitely worth the look.

Williamson is taking us on a journey and what a fun journey it is. Each issue brings with it a new depth into not only a serial killers mind, but the minds of those affected by the killers actions. I truly look forward to each new issue and the next issue no exception as it will feature a guest starring role of none-other than Brian Michael Bendis. Yes, that Brian Michael Bendis starring as Brian Michael Bendis.

So hang on to your hats because this ride is about to go to crazy town and there's no getting off until it's over.

While there are no major action sequences in this book, there are few panels where exciting things happen. But this issue isn't about complex action sequences it is about fucked up minds and the fucked up people that love them. Issue #6 is cerebral all the way.

But even without complex action sequences, Henderson does a great job communicating important aspects of the story through his artwork which is totally complimentary to Williamson's storytelling techniques.

All in all I grade this book a solid A. It is likely one of the best in the series thus far and that is saying a lot for a series that has never stopped accelerating since take off. And after talking with Williamson at the Rose City Comic Con I can tell you that things are only going to continue down that exciting path.

Until next time; Remember that the beast you feed might end up feeding off you in the end.


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