Title: The Wake
Contributors: Scott Snyder
Sean Murphy
Publisher: Vertigo
Issue #: 10
Year: 2014
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 13+ (Violence)
Story Grade: F
Art Grade: A

What can I say about The Wake #10? Well I can say "Thank God that's over." This is an obscure, confusing ending to an already lurk-jerky series that jumped, midway through the run mind you, to 200 years into the future and introduced new characters just as readers were getting comfortable with the old ones. Just a little plug, I have this "friend" who has a complete run of "The Wake" for sale. All books are in great condition. $2.50 for the whole run. Yes that is two dollars and fifty cents and I just want that for the bags and boards involved.

I could try and interpret this book for you, but the fact of the matter is, I didn't care enough to try and understand the book. There is a key theme in the books which is the recycling of self destructing civilizations and that this recycling process will just keep going on until the sun burns itself out. But I didn't care. By the time I reached issue #10, I was praying for our sun to just supernova so that it would be over.

So why did I keep reading? Because the first five issues were so damn good. Then issue 6 comes along and takes a big steaming shit on the series which stuck around to the end.

The only saving grace of this book is the art. The artwork has remained consistently great throughout. aIt is only through the art only that you can actually understand the message of the book.

I am ending this review with, if you have to read everything from Scott Snyder, then only read issues 1-5 of the Wake. I graded this book a C. The art got an A, but the story failed epically.

Until next time... make that $2 for the entire run. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


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