Title: Rat Queens 
Contributors: Kurtis Wiebe
Roc Upchurch
Publisher: Image
Issue #: Vol 1
Year: 2014
Content: Alcohol and Drug Use, Sexuality, Violence, Language

An uncanny clan of foul-mouthed, boozed-up, ass-kicking, death-dealing mercenaries lead this book's story. From the start to the end, they get themselves into more trouble than they get out of, but what else would you expect from people that are nothing more than profiteers from the acts of killing anything with a heartbeat.

At first glace this looks like a D&D based fantasy, but it is not a conventional telling of an adventurer's tale. This book has some great art and crass women that do nothing but kick ass, drink and take drugs.

And that is where the story sort of falls short.

In a classic hero, or even anti-hero, character arc, there is change. The character, or characters start with one drive or another, a quest, be it revenge or grief or anger or something else. By the end of the story arc the character learns and changes. This is the basic premise of storytelling, Storytelling 101, and it's what motivates readers to continue reading.

But, sadly, change never comes for this band of anti-heroes.

It doesn't mean the that it isn't a fun read, because it is. And this is coming from someone who doesn't typically like D&D type fantasy as reading material. But this story is just the same thing, page after page.

This is definitely a Meh, but worth a cursory glance.


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