Title: Cutter
Contributors: Robert Napton
Seamus Kevin Fahey
Christian DiBari
Publisher: Top Cow
Issue #: 1
Year: 2014
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 18 (Language, Violence, Gore, Adult Themes)
Story Grade: C
Art Grade: C

Cutter #1 is the story of a deadly secret that comes back to haunt a group of buddies from their high school days. This story has placed itself in a position to either be a great series or to fall to the realm of B-Movie status. And while the story has a great revenge plot underlying the story, it is unfortunate that the story is overshadowed by inconsistencies in the art and unbelievable and stiff dialog in the script.

This book follows every known horror trope out there. From the ignorant cop who won't believe anyone, until he randomly, literally out of the blue, decides that maybe everyone is telling the truth, to the "past evils come back to haunt you" plot. The only really saving grace to this stiffly written story by Napton is the black and white art. Sinister splatters of crimson have never dripped so good in black and white. But the art itself has issues.

While DiBari's art has some very scrumptious moments of delight, there are several moments of unevenness and confusing lines in the art.

For example, the image on the left. In the bottom panel, there is a shirt, floating, against the wall. It is also transparent, as you can see the wall through the shirt. What the hell is that, why is it there? Guess what, those questions never get answered. The book is littered with things like this.

But again, the art has it's moment, like the image above and left. That is a stunning piece of art. Or as I like to call it; Delicious.

All in all I have to grade this book a C. It looks as though this promising tale did slip into the realm of B-moviedom. That makes me sad because I was looking for something more.

Until next time... Remember that you always reap what you sow.


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