This is a quick update to the ongoing series I have been posting about since just after Christmas: Part 1, Part 2. There is some new information available that you may, or may not have heard. That's right folks... All of the news is pointing to what could be a great turn-around for the once series of tragic events that almost killed Cherry City Comic Con less than a month ago.

The first news, and likely the most important news of the week. The man behind the marketing company, B.A.M. Solutions, that purchased Cherry City Comic Con, is non other than John Roach.

Wait... John who?

John Roach. John Roach is a successful marketer and photographer. He shoots reference pieces for his wife, none other than Nicole Brune, to use as references for her gorgeous pinup art. Why is this so important? Several reasons really.
  1. John and Nicole have been doing the Con circuit for years, including the big Mama-Jama... San Diego. During their time John has likely witnessed every form of success and failure a Con can experience. They were even at Cherry City last year as vendors. So they have some extensive con experience under their belt. And with his extensive marketing and business background combined with his local ties he is set up to run it as a business, like he should, but have a local touch to the business.
  2. John is a local boy, living in the Willamette Valley. One fear many had initially, including me, was that B.A.M. was a California company, one of those Corporate Monsters coming to rescue a failing local business to make some quick cash. This isn't the case. Sure John is likely wanting to make some money, most Con owners do, and there is nothing wrong with that. John has ties to the local community. He is invested in the local economy and with local businesses. This alone spells a huge win for our community as a whole.
  3. John has a passion for the culture.
  4. John is also an artist, yes photography is art (I wish people would get that through their heads). As an artist he has some insight from the artist's perspective about Cons. Dare I say, he might have compassion for the artists? Maybe. 
  5. With the Con experience under his belt, and if he is half the people person his wife, Nicole, is he is going to have some great connections in the big con circuit. And by connections I mean big artists, celebrities and such.
These five things really means John is in a position to do great things for Cherry City Comic Con. 

The second piece of news is that John is extending a hand of goodwill to local vendors. He is truly partnering with the folks that help make any convention a success. And this is a great first step.

If I am to be honest, this is Honest Comics Review after all, John and company still have some hills to climb, but from what my sources have told me, he is doing a great job fighting the PR Nightmare that started at Christmas. He is bringing some good will to some local vendors and making some announcements in confirming some previous year's comic personalities and announcing at least one new celebrity guest. But the rumor is we could be expecting a big celebrity announcement soon.

In summary, I would like to say that Cherry City Comic Con seems to be heading in the right direction. John is doing a great job healing some wounds that were opened in the past. John is working hard to make Cherry City Comic Con great. But now it comes down to you.

The churning torrent of disruption is behind us. Now, we have to be able to pick up the pieces and start rebuilding. As I said at the conclusion of the first post I made about this controversy:

"There are good people out there looking to do good things for the community, there truly are. So watch for them."

In a year's time we have gone from having no Con, to having a con, to having two cons, back down to one con and now...
  • we are having a First Wednesday event where artists and vendors are being given free tables to show/sell their wares. 
  • We also have two cons, one in April and another in August. 
  • And we have a collectible (toys, comics, records) market coming in May that is raising money for Shriner's Children Hospital. 
People are trying to do good for our community. Are you willing to invest in the con as well. Are you willing to buy your tickets, buy your vendor table, or just volunteer to help. Are you willing to invest in our community or are you just going to sit back and bitch about all that is wrong with the world, essentially contributing nothing to the community.

I would love to sit down and interview John Roach. To get his perspective on all of this. To talk about the future of Cherry City Comic Con, his plans, ideas, dreams. Some day maybe. Hey John... I am in Salem and would love to talk some time.

Until next time... Remember that without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.


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