Title: She-Hulk
Contributors: Charles Soule
Javier Pulido
Muntsa Vicente
Publisher: Marvel
Issue #: 2
Year: 2014
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 13+ (Violence, Alcohol, Adult Themes) 
Story Grade: A
Art Grade: D

Okay, why did I grade the art so poorly on this book? Because it is inconsistent. Look at the cover  in the shot above. You can click on the image to make it bigger. See the image of Jennifer putting on mascara? Now look at the shot of Jennifer in Panel 2 on the page to the right? See the difference in the quality? Now look at Panel 9 in the same page, bottom right.

Here are the two issues. First. The cover is misrepresenting the art that actually in the book. I understand that this is common, but that doesn't make it right. In my opinion, it is similar to a bait and switch.

Here is the real issue. The Panel 2 image and the Panel 9 image... the artist is inconsistent in rendering the She-Hulk's face proportions. In Panel 2, the ratio between the distance between the eyebrows and the tip of nose and the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin is .55 to 1. In Panel 9 the ratio is .75 to 1.

This is why She-Hulk's face is always appearing so distorted, sometimes moon faced like she is on steroids, in just about every panel, there is seemingly no consistency. And I am taking serious issue with this. This isn't an Indie-Comic that is self publish on Comixology or some 15 year old kids Facebook page. This is a fucking mainstream title from Marvel man. As a photographer and artist myself, I know the importance of a getting the face right in a portrait and this is not what should be considered getting the face right.

As my wife put it, at $2.99 I feel like I've paid for a nibble of Kobe Beef, and I've been handed a rusty spoon of spam and that pisses me off a little.

Okay... now that I have that opinion off my chest... let's talk about the things I do like.

The story is once again rock solid in this book. She-Hulk is realizing that starting a business might be tougher than she thought. There is a nice action sequence in this book, which was seemingly avoided in the first book for some reason, and we finally get to see Jennifer "Hulked" out... some muscles.

All in all I grade this book a C. The art really takes all of the hit on the grade. I truly hope Marvel pulls their head out their collective asses and to fixing the artist issues with these books soon or I will likely take my limited comic book money and spend elsewhere.

Until next time... Enjoy your spam.


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