Title: The Wake
Contributors: Scott Snyder
Sean Murphy
Publisher: Vertigo
Issue #: 6
Year: 2014
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 16+ (Violence, Gore, Drug References)
Story Grade: C
Art Grade: B

So I might be the first, I don't know, but I am going to say it because if I didn't this wouldn't be Honest Comic Reviews... Where the fuck are they taking this series. This is supposed to be a short run series and less than half way through the run we have now jumped 200 years into the future with not only a new cast of characters to get familiar with, but a new world in general. I was really enjoying the series up until this point. Now if I am going to be really honest, my first grade, a kneejerk reaction grade, was a big fat F written in red felt tipped marker across its bright yellow cover. So I walked away from the book for a few days, calmed down, came back and reread it with a calmer mind and heart.

Now, with that said, let me review this particular comic from a calmer place. It looks like humans have adapted to life with the Mermen. We have adapted to the point that we now harvest them for a gland that secretes a hormone that makes us high... isn't that always the case? Drugs... we humans are so predictable, or at least writers like to think we are.

It seems that the drug trade is still illegal (shock), as is trying to communicate with other disparate human outposts around the world. We are introduced to a new character, Leeward and are given a glimpse at what Leeward's goals are in this new world. Additional we are awkwardly forced into the introductions of this new world. I say awkwardly because there is so much to stuff into 32 pages to make everything make sense that it can feel like I'm being forced to make introductions with a stranger by shaking genitals with this individual. Not impossible, or completely unpleasant, just uncomfortable at first.

The artwork is at the status quo for what we have seen thus far from Sean Murphy in this series, which is still quite good.

Great color.

Wonderful detail.

Fantastic action.

Simply great Sean Murphy styling.

In the end, I graded this comic a C+. I am still pissed as hell about the entire change in the middle of the story and the only thing keeping me from that big fat red F is the artwork and hopes that the story comes back together in the next six issues to deliver on it's promise.


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