Death Sentence
Contributors: Monty Nero
Michael Dowling
Publisher: Titan Comics
Issue #: 3
Year: 2013
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 18 (Language, Violence, Gore, Nudity, Sex, Adult Themes)
Story Grade: B
Art Grade: A

****Spoiler Alert**** This review contains potential spoilers.

Issue #3 of Death Sentence brings  few twists to the story some that were expected and some that make you ask, "What the Fuck?"

First up; A softer side of Weasel. You really start to care about Weasel as you realize that he does care about someone other than himself, even though he can only show when he is drunk off his ass (cliché much). The drunkenness wasn't needed, and didn't really serve a purpose other than to weaken the character even more in my opinion.

Second Up; Verity is being held captive on an island and is being a cliché 20-something bitch about the whole situation instead of being a little frightened about what might happen to her, like a normal person might be.

Finally, I saved the worst for last: Monty sinks to a new all time low. Setting his sights on the crown, and the royal bush on his way there. If you don't get the reference I just made, let me paint it a little clearer, Monty intends to try to make the beast with two backs with the Queen herself.

The story's grade take a grade hit in this issue due to a fall back into the realm of the ever present character clichés. The story is progressing nicely, but two characters we were beginning to love have fallen back into realm of overused clichés, which they were coming out of in Issue #2. Sad to see that back slide. The character we hate, is continuing his exponential slide into oblivion. Where it will stop  is anybody's guess. But this book allows it to get pretty ugly.

The art is continually improving from book to book. It is getting more fun to look at as the artist grows into drawing the characters.

All in all I graded this book a B+, again for the characters slipping back in those horribly overused clichés. The artwork is great, but the characters need be brought back from the cliché character types and be made stronger through independance from those overused clichés.

I am still looking forward to the next issue if for nothing else just to see how depraved Monty will become, but also because I hope that Weasel and Verity's characters will recovery some depth of character back.

Until next time, God Save the Queen.


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