Title: Kiss - Dressed To Kill
Contributors: Chris Ryall
Jamal Igle
Publisher: IDW
Issue #: 1
Year: 2012
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 18 (Language, Violence, Adult Themes)
Story Grade: F
Art Grade: B

What can I say about Kiss that hasn't already been said. Great music! Already said, hell even I love their music. Awesome stage presence. Already said, and no argument there. Great marketing! Yup... Already said.

How about kitsch?


I'm not sure I have ever heard that before. But that is what this book felt like. Let's see... Four ordinary people in 1920s Chicago get cornered by the mob, but due to some summoning ritual they suddenly get possessed by Kiss, demons from hell, and begin kicking ass. Like I said... Kitch. There's even a cheesy reference about them being in someone else's service, a blatant yet not outright call out to the name's acronym, K.I.S.S. "Knights in Satan's Service".


The artwork is pretty good. Too bad the artist had to waste his time on such a kitschy story.

I am glad I only paid $1 for this book, but I still wish I could get that $1 back... I could get a Double Cheeseburger for that $1 or a different $1 comic, but there is nothing to get that 20 minutes of my life back except write this review to try and save another. Okay it wasn't that bad, but it was pretty bad. Dialog, story arc, ack!

I grade the comic D, but only because the artwork really deserves something. The story and writing wasn't satisfying to me at all.


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