Title: Magneto
Contributors: Cullen Bunn
Gabriel Walta
Publisher: Marvel
Issue #: 1
Year: 2014
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 13+ (Violence, Adult Themes)
Story Grade: A+
Art Grade: A

In Issue #2 of Magneto, you begin to get a glimpse of not only the human impact of Magneto's campaign of terror, but you get a glimpse of something else that's much darker, and in my opinion scarier due to the realism relative to what is happening today in the real world.

Magneto allows his past to guide his present day actions and this makes him nothing more than the modern day version of the nazi-monster that tormented his people back in World War II, and for the first time, I don't like Magneto. And what's worse is that Magneto is getting non-mutant fan club following him from crime scene to crime scene like a bus load of horny little groupies chasing the Rolling Stones from concert to concert back in the 60s.

The story by itself is pretty good, but what really makes it have so much impact is the timing of its release. For those of you living in wonderland, this week it was announced that the self-appointed Donetsk People's Republic, the Ukrainian's new government, an Ultra-Nationalist Party that has modeled itself after the Nazi party has began requiring jewish citizens to begin registering with the government (for a $50 fee) or forfeit their properties, citizenships and face deportation.

This book stirred some serious emotions in me. Actually it pissed me off. Above all, it horrified me. Why? Because there are people out there that still believe the way Magneto is written. This isn't just make believe for some people. For some people, they are actually making history come back to life and this book truly reflected this reality.

With that said I loved this book. This is exactly what any form art is supposed to do. It is supposed to shock us, stir us, move us. It is supposed to awaken our emotions; pick us up and throw us down. That is exactly what this book did for me. But then again I know people directly involved in Ukraine, so I have some emotional involvement there.

I grade this book a solid A+. To Cullen Bunn, well done on making me hate a character I have always had some sympathy for. The timing of the story is eerily coincidental to what is happening in the real world and that creates a horror element that can't be matched even by the horror masters, sorry Stephen King.

Until next time... Hail Magneto.


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