Title: Dead of Night (Max)
Contributors: Brian Keene
Chris Samnee
Kaare Andrews
Publisher: Max Comics (Marvel)
Issue #: 1
Year: 2008
Pages: 32 Pages
Age Rating: 13+ (Language, Violence, Gore, Occult Themes)
Story Grade: C
Art Grade: B

I was blindly led to believe, by my own experiences, that anything with MAX on the cover was going to be a comic I would instantly fall in love with. Thank god they only had one of these in the dollar bin at my LCS. Thank God.

So the story: The hero of the story is sent back to Iraq after failing to integrate back into civilian life back home. Like that would really ever happen, because once the military is done with you, they are done with you, especially if you get in trouble with the law. So let's put that plot hole aside for a moment. His unit gets called out to help some defense contractors (Mercs) on a mission and can you guess it, that nobody likes this Merc Team and for good reason.

As it turns out the Mercs are all demons. Our hero's unit is complete wiped out by the demon mercs and he is the only survivor, saved by a reporter who also happens to be the only living of member of secret society of clerics thought to be extinct. What a stroke of luck huh?

Wow. Yeah. Not my really my cup of tea for a story. It felt too exploitative of the Iraq war that was actually going on and the plot holes and short cuts in storytelling felt like I was reading from the pen of a very inexperienced writer.

I wasn't a fan of the story, if that wasn't clear.

The artwork was nice and fitting for Max book, so there was that.

All in all I graded this book a C+. It is definitely not worth the effort for me to look for book #2. After my experience with Born (Max) and Punisher (Max), both of which were extremely random encounters, my expectations were really high of Max books, but now I know I need to do a little more research and pre-reading before jumping in blindly with Max books.

Lessons are always learned, I just have to remember that I may not always like the lesson.

Until next time... Happy Demon Hunting.


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